The Website Guy | Custom Websites and Email Campaigns by Michael Daehn

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Is Anybody Home? Managing Your Social Media Accounts

I talk with businesses all the time about setting up social media accounts. The truth is, setting up accounts is easy. Doing something with them is the hard part.
If you want to jump in to the social media mix be prepared to listen. Don't just broadcast your message. Social Media is two way communication.
If you have a presence on Twitter and/or Facebook you are inviting people to contact you via those platforms.
Having a social media account and not listening to people is like having an 800 number and no one to answer the phone.
When I create proposals the bulk of the work is in managing accounts. Not in setting them up. To get the most out of social media, you need a community manager. Either you do it, or you hire someone to do it.
If you don't know how to manage them get training. If you don't have time, hire someone who knows what they are doing. If you need help, give me a call. I'll take care of you, or find someone who can.