The Pros and Cons of using Zoom - Quarantine Edition


Now that we can’t see each other in person, most people are using Zoom, the app that allows you to talk to other people when you’re not in the same place. There are some good things about it. There are some bad things about it. These are the pros and cons of using Zoom.

First I’m going to start with the pros of Zoom. Here are my three:

  1. You can talk to family and/or “friends” without breaking the law. 

  2. You can have up to 1,000 people for a long time.

  3. You can join the meeting from any device, so if you lost your phone again, grab Grandma’s dog’s mother’s owner’s sister’s tablet. 

 I’d say there are few more bad things than good things in Zoom are here they are:

  1. Sometimes people glitch out and you can’t hear them, for example, “Okay, here is our plan for quarantined working-ing-ing-ing-ing-ing-ing BZZZBOTZZB Sound good?”

  2. You get complete random people. For example, “Oh, hey, Robert. Hi, Tessa. Hi, Simon. Wait a minute, who’s Simon?”

  3. Someone could just go on, turn off their camera, and leave. For example, “What do you think about that, Mary? Mary? Hello, are you there?”

There are lots of pros and cons of Zoom, and the ones I mentioned was only a sample. As always, stay home and wash your hands.